
Eastcompeace at Cartes In Asia (2010-3-24 / 2434)

Published on: 2010-03-24 00:00
March 16-18 – CARTES in Asia 2010, first session of this Asian Smart Card Industry Exhibition, featured China’s most exciting and promising companies in the field of digital security. Eastcompeace, one of the leading industry players in China, exhibited at the show.
Mr. Daniel Hu, International Business Director of Eastcompeace, was invited to the Round Table Meeting of Asian Card Summit. The summit focused on the impact of world economic crisis on smart card industry, the industry evolution, the emerging innovation and the globalization.
Ms Zhang QI, the President of CIITA, visited Eastcompeace stand on the first day of exhibition and expressed her interest in Eastcompeace international development. Many visitors were interested in Eastcompeace RF-SIM card products, which recently passed China national accreditation.